Senior Management
- Zimsec
- Senior Management
Management’s overarching roles of systems improvement and monitoring, risk identification, assessment, mitigation and monitoring will be exercised diligently during the four years of this strategy (2022-2025). Management makes all departments accountable so that the outcomes of ZIMSEC are achieved and at the same time track progress to ensure the successful implementation of the Strategic Plan.
Division Heads
Mrs Sunungurayi Murowe
Director : Test Design Educational Assessment and Measurement
The TDEAM Division’s mandate is to develop error-free, valid and reliable examination papers in all subjects at Grade Seven, Ordinary and Advanced levels as well as to conduct research for the organisation’s improved efficiency across divisions.
Mr Vutelani Telani Mguni
Director : Examinations Administration (EA)
Carrying the responsibility of ensuring adherence to statutes and regulations governing the administration of examinations at Grade 7, Ordinary Level and Advanced Level, the Examinations Administration Division’s specific responsibilities include:
- Registration of qualifying examination centres.
- De-registration of centres that fail to meet requirements.
- Registering candidates and distributing information and entry statistics.
- Organising the printing of question papers.
- Distribution of examination materials.
- Training of examination administrators.
- Monitoring of examination centres.
- Processing of marks.
- Processing of cases of malpractice.
- Issuing results and certificate
- Providing results confirmation services
Dr Louisa Muparuri
Director - Information and Communication Technology Examinations Systems Development (ICTESD)
The ICTESD Divisions’ main functions can be summarised as:
- Provide a robust and secure ICT infrastructure that supports access to ICTs.
- Improve and enhance access to ICT resources.
- Maintain a secure ICT environment: ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of ICT systems.
- Adopt new information technologies and develop systems that help to drive and to improve business and ICT operations
Ms Zipora Muzenda
Director – Finance
The Finance Division’s task is to mobilize, allocate and manage financial resources to ensure quality product realization and service delivery.
The division consults all departments/divisions in developing the ZIMSEC budget, collects examination fees, and generates additional income by investing some of the collected funds and selling goods and services.
The Division prepares budget performance reports which are used for management decision-making.
Mr Shellington Malamba
Director : Human Capital
The Human Capital Division is responsible for planning, directing, controlling and organising the workforce. This ranges from recruitment and selection to the design, formulation and administration of HR policies, systems and procedures.
Ms Susan Buwu
Director- Internal Audit
Audit provides assurance services to ensure that the organisation’s system of risk management, control and governance processes, as planned and represented by management, is sufficient and functioning. Internal Audit will ensure that:
- Risks are appropriately and adequately identified and managed.
- significant financial, managerial and operating information is accurate, reliable and timely.
- resources are acquired economically, used efficiently and adequately secured.
- employees’ actions comply with the organisational policies, procedures, standards and applicable laws and regulations.
- programmes, plans and objectives are achieved.
- significant legislative or regulatory issues affecting the organisation are recognised and addressed properly.
- interaction with the various governance groups occurs as needed.
- quality and continuous improvement tools are cultivated into the organisation’s control mechanisms.
- Regularly report results and recommendations for its work to Senior Management and the Audit Committee