Exam Regulations
- Zimsec
- Exam Regulations
- Registration must be made through a registered Examination Centre. It is the responsibility of private candidates to make their own arrangements.
- No candidate should leave the examination room except in an emergency, until one hour after the starting time specified on the ZIMSEC examination timetable unless the duration of a paper is one hour or less.
- No copy of a question paper may be taken from the examination room by candidates and all question papers must be retained, under security, at centres until at least 24 hours have elapsed since the end of the examination assigned to each paper. The papers may then be returned to the candidates.
- If a candidate finishes his or her work early, they must hand in their work, leave the room and must not be readmitted.
- Candidates leaving the examination room temporarily must be escorted by one of the invigilators and may be allowed extra time to compensate for their temporary absence (discretion to be used by invigilators depending on the prevailing circumstances).
- Candidates who arrive within the first 15 minutes of starting time will be allowed to sit for the examination without extra time for the lost time.
- Candidates who arrive in the exam room after the first 15 minutes are automatically disqualified and marked absent.
- If you miss one component of the subject you are sitting for you will not get results.
- There is no refund for missing a paper or for latecomers. In both situations, one will not get results.
- Candidates should enter their names, centre numbers and candidate numbers on every page of their answer booklet
- An exam is deemed to be in progress from the moment candidates get into the exam.
- There are NO refunds to candidates if candidates fail to write or are prevented from writing an examination or any part of any examination due to acts of God, acts of war, industrial actions or civil strife of any kind. There is no transfer of fees to a later examination session, nor delay in the writing of examinations and will not be required to issue aegrotat grades.
- Candidates are not allowed to smuggle pre-written answers or formulas into the exam room.
- Candidates are not allowed to enter the examination room with smartphones, smart watches, listening devices or any other smart devices.
- Candidates are not allowed to speak to each other or loudly to themselves during the examination (this includes singing)
- Candidates are not allowed to share written notes, signals or visuals during an examination (collusion)
- Candidates’ dress code is regulated according to the school policies. Candidates are not allowed to wear hats/ caps in an examination room and are not permitted to remove their shoes during the examination.
- Private candidates should provide positive and valid identification documents.